Realize that there are tons of methods for making sure that these messages take place. You have the ability to control a lot of this. But, you cannot control where it comes from. It is your site users and social media fans and followers who will help you, or not. It all depends on if you have a relationship with them and they think that you have something to offer.
Not every homepage has content when it comes to long copy. A magazine type of blog will have pages that link to other places. Either way, be sure you have social signal enablers on your home page.
These are just the links that are simple to share on multiple social media sites. This will get a lot of social signals going if people are interested in your content and want family and friends to benefit from it too. There is no way to know what a person wants, but it is good to have a good selection. But, you should have a good idea if you have been checking the stats of your site and watching out for social signals.
Internet marketers have known for a very long that things work out better when they don't make things difficult for visitors. You understand about putting too many clicks in a process, which is known as click stream. The same for social media engagement purposes when you place various widgets for sharing or following. The follow button is a great example because you can now get an instant follow button. The user clicks it and immediately they can follow you. Or, they can click a button an like you on Facebook. One of the new buzz words is engagement. It is now all about engaging your visitors or paying very close attention to social engagement.
Figure out how to leverage the power of infographics, an area that is still small because you do not see them used very often. Spend some time brainstorming (alone and with others) and define a few goals. These should be social goals but it is okay to touch on marketing and advertising goals too. It's best, though, to focus on the social because those create more of a drive in you. Part of the objective that you have in place is going to be figuring out how you are going to obtain those goals. You can write out who the big wigs in your industry are and then pay particularly close attention to the things that they are doing. There is all sorts of information that you can figure out when you take on these kinds of competitive fact gathering. After you have done this, you just have to apply it to your business and ensure that it is a proper fit.
It is hard to backtrack, but even harder when it comes to online marketing. Social signals and SEO is not that hard to put together. Basically, it already exists. Know how to use them together in order to really make them beneficial. Accomplish by working hard and do not try to make too many changes all at once.